Thursday, November 18, 2010

End Of The Book

i think the end of the book i really confusing. mostly the last two line. what do you think the end of the book means and whats the point of it?


do you think that Kip/Wade got let out too early? Do yo think he was ready, and/or "trained" enough to go out into the world?

Friday, November 12, 2010


Do you think that kips experience of burning a child and going through therapy helped him or hurt him later on in life? Why?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The title meaning

What does the title; Right Behind You have to do with the actual story?

Wade V.S Kip

How do you guys think Kip compares to Wade. I see similarities and differences. Do you think Wade will be able to keep his identity in in Indiana? Which character do you think you best relate to?